A follow-up letter after a job interview is often the extra push that gets you hired in the job you want. Some human resource managers consider the thank you letter an essential step in the job-hunting process. For an applicant in an office position, this is another opportunity to show a potential employer a sample of your work. A letter a day or two after the interview will also keep your name in front of the employer. A follow-up letter also provides an opportunity to add what you wish you had thought of during the job interview.
A short thank-you for the interview is sufficient for the introductory paragraph. Then mention the main topic of the interview—the main topic from the interviewer’s point of view—and what you can contribute to that situation. Follow this with helpful information that you may not have included in the interview discussion. You can then add reminders of your strong qualifications and abilities.
The last paragraph of your letter can be used to indicate a time and day you will call to see if a decision has been made or to continue the initial interview discussion.
Keep in mind throughout the letter that you are selling your ability to help the company for which you wish to work. Since this letter is another sample of the abilities you are offering the employer, like all employment communications, it must be perfect. Use a correct personal business letter format if you are keying it. A hand-written note is sufficient as well. It is important, though, that the follow-up letter is sent the day of or the day after the interview. ***During the interview, don’t forget to get the interviewer’s business card so that you have the mailing address.***
- The name and address of the person who interviewed you.
- The date and time of the original interview.
- A brief summary of your qualifications and why you are interested in the job.
- The date and time you will call the interviewer next.
Here is a sample follow-up letter. Use it as a basis for your letter, but do not use the exact wording which is in the sample. Write your own letter and use your own words.