Englewood Fire Hiring FF/EMT

Englewood Area Fire Control District
516 Paul Morris Dr
Englewood, FL 34223


Classification: Firefighter/EMT

The Englewood Area Fire Control District was recently awarded the Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response grant (SAFER) The District will be testing for five (5) positions that were awarded by the SAFER. Applicants must have valid FireTEAM and NTN CPAT through National Testing Network (NTN). Testing through National Testing Network (NTN) and District application must be completed and turned in to the administration office by October 6, 2016 at 16:00 to be considered for this round of hiring.

Please direct all questions about the job posting to National Testing Network. Please do not call the district directly. FireTEAM and NTN CPAT testing are both required for this listing.

Salary: $39,457.89
Benefits: Health & Life Insurance, 175 Pension, Sick Leave, Vacation Leave
District Information: Englewood Area Fire Control District is an Independent Special Fire Control District servicing the unincorporated areas located in the Southwest portion of Sarasota County and Western Charlotte County. The district provides fire rescue services from 6 fully staffed fire stations located within an 83 square mile area responding to an average of 3000 calls per year.
Population: 50,000

Job Requirements:

  1. 18 years of age or older
  2. Be a non user of tobacco products. (Signed affidavit)
  3. Have a clean criminal record. (No DUI’s, drug possessions, theft etc. as checked during criminal background check)
  4. Complete the National Testing Network testing process. (Written & CPAT)
  5. Have a current certification for the State of Florida Firefighter I & II.
  6. Have a current certification for the State of Florida EMT or Paramedic.
  7. Have a current State of Florida Driver’s License (No Restrictions MVR check completed)
  8. Applicant must live within the following counties; (Sarasota, Charlotte, Lee & Manatee)
  9. Applicant must properly complete the Englewood Area Fire Control District application which can be down loaded from the web-site at http://www.englewood-fire.com/

To schedule pre-employment testing (FireTEAM), go to http://www.nationaltestingnetwork.com and click on FIREFIGHTER JOBS. Select the department and read over all the requirements and if qualified, select a testing location and a time and date for testing on the website calendar. A CPAT can also be scheduled through the website by clicking on the CPAT icon on the main page of the website and then following the instructions. For questions concerning the testing process, please contact NTN Customer Support at 866-563-3882. For updates and new job announcements, “Like” National Testing Network on Facebook.

Category: Health Science, Law, Public Safety, & Security No Comments

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